Peace Margaret is an orphan, a not uncommon fate in Uganda, where many children have lost their parents to AIDS and other diseases. after losing her parents, she dropped out of school to earn money as a housegirl. But a UNICEF-supported club – which a friend recommended to Peace Margaret – encouraged her to return to the classroom.
Support to stay in school
The question of leaving work was a difficult one, said Peace Margaret. But she added that the loss of her parents drove her to change her life.
"I realized that my parents are not there," she said. "So I say, let me go and study and maybe in the future become an important person, not a housegirl."
Peace Margaret joined a local club that is part of the Girls' Education Movement – or GEM – which was started in Uganda in 2001 with support from UNICEF. GEM has active chapters across sub-Saharan Africa, all with the same goal: to ensure that children like Peace Margaret have support to go to school, and stay in school.
The challenge is formidable in a country where census data reveal that more than 700,000 children aged 6 to 12 have never attended school. Roughly two out of three Ugandan children enrolled in primary school fail to complete their full primary education cycle.
Bringing children back to class
Mugenyi Mary Cleophas, the head teacher at Peace Margaret's school, said the GEM clubs are significantly improving the situation in the local community. "With the guidance and assistance of UNICEF, we have managed to bring back 54 children since 2007," she said. "They have now returned to school."
© UNICEF video |
Ugandan girls study at a club that is part of the Girls’ Education Movement, which has active chapters across sub-Saharan Africa. |
The GEM club here helps to provide students with notebooks, pens and school uniforms. Part of the money is generated by the students themselves, who manage a garden and sell the crops.
"Most of these children who have returned to school are very needy," said Ms. Cleophas. "They lack books. Some of them are from child-headed families. You find a child is there alone with the sisters and brothers: no father, no mother. The scourge – AIDS – has also disorganized us."
To prevent stressed and at-risk students from dropping out, the school has implemented a strict record-keeping system that alerts teachers to patterns of absenteeism.
The right to learn
Experts believe that efforts to expand primary education will pay dividends across many sectors in developing countries. School is essential for literacy, empowerment and economic growth. It's also the key to child survival and the healthy development of the next generation.
"As I was working, I saw that it I was gaining nothing," said Peace Margaret. "I'm very happy because now I'm in school.... And I'm proud because I'm going to complete my primary seven, joining secondary level."
In Uganda and around the world, every child has the right to learn. GEM clubs help students exercise this right, laying the foundation for a brighter future.source : UNICEF
Funds from World Refugee Day concert help save life of baby Iraqi refugee
BEIRUT, Lebanon, March 19 (UNHCR) – Nizar* and Jihane* reached the safety of Beirut in January after fleeing harassment and threats in their native Iraq, but their ordeal was not over. Although the couple were physically safe, the life of their four-month-old son was in grave danger.
Little Ahmed* was born with a heart defect and his parents could no longer afford to pay for the urgent surgery that he needed. This had not been a problem in their hometown of Kout in central Iraq until the family were targeted and their house looted, Jihane said, adding that "unknown militias stole our money and jewellery. I had the means to treat my son. But that was all gone."
She and her husband were in despair when they went to the UNHCR office in Beirut to register as refugees. Staff at the refugee agency realized that Ahmed needed to be hospitalized immediately and they were determined to help find the funds to pay for the costly treatment that could save his life.
Someone realized that the office still had some of the proceeds from a packed fund-raising concert given by acclaimed Iraqi oud (lute) player Naseer Shamma on World Refugee Day (June 20) last year in Beirut. UNHCR donated US$9,000 with a further US$5,000 coming from HeartBeat, which helps children with congenital heart disease. Young Iraqi refugees donated blood.
Ahmed was taken to the Hotel-Dieu de France Hospital in Beirut, where surgery was carried out in early February. It took eight hours to work on Ahmed's damaged heart – an emotional time for his anxious parents, especially as the doctors had given the boy only a 50-50 chance of survival.
"It is a long and complicated surgery. It will depend on the state of the heart and on the baby's strength," said the head surgeon, Issam El-Rassi, before the operation.
"It seemed like an eternity," recalled Jihane. "A few days after the surgery, when the danger was gone, I heard his voice for the first time. He even smiled at us and I heard his first laugh," the elated mother added.
With the operation a success, UNHCR staff were also delighted. "I have a mixed feeling of pride and self-satisfaction," said Senior Community Services Clerk Marie Akiki. "We proved once again UNHCR's commitment and dedication. We went through this with the parents day-by-day."
A tearful Jihane, holding her son tightly, said she was eternally thankful to all those who had helped to give them and their son a future. "We have no words to express our gratitude," she said.
When she became pregnant soon after getting married, Jihane said "I felt that my whole life was taking a new turn." Things, however, soon went downhill in her life. Today, although the future remains unclear, Jihane and Nizar have something to live for – and Ahmed gets, quite simply, to live.
There are an estimated 50,000 Iraqis in Lebanon, of whom 9,234 were registered as refugees with UNHCR by the end of February. A growing number of refugees approaching UNHCR in Lebanon are in need of medical assistance. Last year, the agency helped almost 800 people receive in-patient medical care and provided out-patient services to around 4,800 people.
* Names changed for protection reasons.
By Laure Chedrawi in Beirut, Lebanon
Funds from World Refugee Day concert help save life of baby Iraqi refugee
BEIRUT, Lebanon, March 19 (UNHCR) – Nizar* and Jihane* reached the safety of Beirut in January after fleeing harassment and threats in their native Iraq, but their ordeal was not over. Although the couple were physically safe, the life of their four-month-old son was in grave danger.
Little Ahmed* was born with a heart defect and his parents could no longer afford to pay for the urgent surgery that he needed. This had not been a problem in their hometown of Kout in central Iraq until the family were targeted and their house looted, Jihane said, adding that "unknown militias stole our money and jewellery. I had the means to treat my son. But that was all gone."
She and her husband were in despair when they went to the UNHCR office in Beirut to register as refugees. Staff at the refugee agency realized that Ahmed needed to be hospitalized immediately and they were determined to help find the funds to pay for the costly treatment that could save his life.
Someone realized that the office still had some of the proceeds from a packed fund-raising concert given by acclaimed Iraqi oud (lute) player Naseer Shamma on World Refugee Day (June 20) last year in Beirut. UNHCR donated US$9,000 with a further US$5,000 coming from HeartBeat, which helps children with congenital heart disease. Young Iraqi refugees donated blood.
Ahmed was taken to the Hotel-Dieu de France Hospital in Beirut, where surgery was carried out in early February. It took eight hours to work on Ahmed's damaged heart – an emotional time for his anxious parents, especially as the doctors had given the boy only a 50-50 chance of survival.
"It is a long and complicated surgery. It will depend on the state of the heart and on the baby's strength," said the head surgeon, Issam El-Rassi, before the operation.
"It seemed like an eternity," recalled Jihane. "A few days after the surgery, when the danger was gone, I heard his voice for the first time. He even smiled at us and I heard his first laugh," the elated mother added.
With the operation a success, UNHCR staff were also delighted. "I have a mixed feeling of pride and self-satisfaction," said Senior Community Services Clerk Marie Akiki. "We proved once again UNHCR's commitment and dedication. We went through this with the parents day-by-day."
A tearful Jihane, holding her son tightly, said she was eternally thankful to all those who had helped to give them and their son a future. "We have no words to express our gratitude," she said.
When she became pregnant soon after getting married, Jihane said "I felt that my whole life was taking a new turn." Things, however, soon went downhill in her life. Today, although the future remains unclear, Jihane and Nizar have something to live for – and Ahmed gets, quite simply, to live.
There are an estimated 50,000 Iraqis in Lebanon, of whom 9,234 were registered as refugees with UNHCR by the end of February. A growing number of refugees approaching UNHCR in Lebanon are in need of medical assistance. Last year, the agency helped almost 800 people receive in-patient medical care and provided out-patient services to around 4,800 people.
* Names changed for protection reasons.
By Laure Chedrawi in Beirut, Lebanon
झाडापखालाको महामारी / सयौं बिरामी
तीन दिनपहिले गाउँमा फैलिएको झाडापखालाबाट बेलापुर-८ निवासी ७० वर्षीय तारादत्त अवस्थीको मृत्यु भएको स्थानीय बासिन्दाहरूले बताए। झाडापखाला लागेपछि उपचार्रार्थ स्थानीय स्वास्थ्य चौकीमा पुर्याइएका उनको उपचारकै क्रममा शनिबार मृत्यु भएको हो।
झाडापखालाबाट बेलापुर-८ र ७ का ३० जनाभन्दा बढी प्रभावित भएको स्थानीय शमशेरबहादुर बिष्टले बताए। बेलापुरस्थित उपस्वास्थ्य चौकीमा कार्यरत अहेब नरेन्द्र चौधरी नयाँ वर्षमा लागि घर गएकाले ग्रामीण स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता र मातृशिशु कार्यकर्ता मात्रै कार्यरत छन्।
चेकजाँच गरेर औषधि दिन अनुभव कम भएकाले दुवैले उपस्वास्थ्य केन्द्रमा उपचार सेवा दिइरहेको भए पनि बिरामीहरू बैतडी जिल्लाको च्वागड क्षेत्रमा रहेको कालिका मेडिकलमा पुगेर उपचार गराइरहेको सो मेडिकलका सञ्चालक अर्जुन कुवरले बताए। ‘दैनिक दर्जनौं बिरामीहरू उपचारका लागि आइरहेका छन्’, उनले भने- ‘भ्याएसम्म उपचार गरिरहेका छौं ।’
यस सम्बन्धमा जिल्ला स्वास्थ्य कार्यालय डँडेल्धुराका सिनियर अहेब कवीन्द्र विष्टले झाडापखालाको महामारी फैलिएको जानकारी प्राप्त हुनेबित्तिकै आइतबार नै औषधिसहित स्वास्थ्यकर्मीको टोली पठाइएको जानकारी दिए। स्वास्थ्यकर्मीको टोली प्रभावित क्षेत्र पुग्न पूरै एक दिन लाग्छ। झाडापखालाबाट गाउँमा सयौं बिरामी परेका छन्।
गत वर्षमेत बेलापुर गाविसबाटै जिल्लाभरि झाडापखालाको महामारी फैलिएको थियो। महामारीबाट गत वर्ष८ जनाको मृत्यु भएको थियो भने सयौं प्रभावित भएका थिए। गत वर्षपनि महामारीका रूपमा फैलिएको झडापखाला महिनौंपछि नियन्त्रण आएको थियो। गर्मीको मौसम भएका कारण जिल्ला अस्पतालमा पनि झाडापखालाका बिरामीहरू बढ्न थालेको जिल्ला अस्पतालले जनाएको छ।
बेलापुरका स्वास्थ्यकर्मी नभएका कारण गाँखेतका अहेबलाई बेलापुर पठाइएको छ। झाडापखाला फैलिएन शुरू भए पनि जिल्ला स्वास्थ्य कार्यालयले र्सतर्कताको कुनै काम शुरू गरेको छैन्। ‘गाउँगाउँमा पखालाका बिरामी देखिन थालेका छन्’, बेलापुरका विनोद अवस्थीले भने- ‘र्सतर्कता र सरसफाइका लागि कुनै पक्षबाट पहल भएको छैन्।’
जिल्लामा स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने दुई दर्जनभन्दा बढी संघसंस्थाहरू भए पनि कुनै पनि संस्थाहरूले प्रभावित क्षेत्रका काम नगरेको जिल्ला स्वास्थ्य कार्यालयले जनाएको छ। यसै गरी बैतडी, डोटी, बझाङमा पनि झाडापखाला फैलिएको छ।

बिहानको ९ बजेको थियो। अरू बेला पनि आमा बिहानै घरधन्दा सकेर बाहिरिँदा दुई भाइको रेखदेखको जिम्मा ९ वर्षे जेठा छोरा आशिषकै हुन्थ्यो।
आशिषलाई ७ वर्षको माइलो भाइ सागरलाई हेर्न खासै समस्या भएन। तीन वर्षको कान्छो सुमनले भने निकै दुःख दियो। प्याँप्याँ रोएर हैरान! जति गर्दा पनि मानेन। आमाले जस्तै आङमा लिएर हिँड्यो। आमाले जस्तै यतिउति डुलाएर भुलाउन खोज्यो। आमाले आमाले जस्तै कहिले घोडा र कहिले हात्ती बनेर देखायो। अनि, आमाले जस्तै बाँदर र मदारीको चटक देखाएर हँसाउन खोज्यो। तैपनि, ऊ हाँसेन। बरु रुँदारुँदा थाकेर विस्तारै कुइँकुइँ गर्दै घुप्लुक्क निदायो। ऊसँगै माइलो भाइ सागर पनि सुत्यो। र, ऊ पनि पल्ट्यो छेवैमा।
२०६३ वैशाख ५ गते त्यो घरमा दिउँसै रात पर्यो। एकछिन आमा नहुँदा पनि केटाकेटी कति बेसाहरा हुन्छन्!
त्यो बिहानै गाउँबाट हुलका हुल मान्छे नेपालगन्ज आएका थिए।
धेरै दिनदेखिको जनउभार र लोकतन्त्रको नाराले सेतुलाई सडकतिर तानेको थियो। त्यतिखेर पति शेरबहादुर गुजरात (भारत) गएका थिए, काम गर्न।
बागेश्वरी-३ क गाउँ बस्ने सेतु सरासर १२ किलोमिटर परको नेपालगन्जतिर लम्किन्।
जनआन्दोलन उत्कर्षमा थियो। आन्दोलनकारीहरू न्युरोडमा तत्कालीन राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको निर्माणाधीन सालिक भत्काउँदै थिए।
प्रहरीले ड्याम्म अश्रुग्यास हान्यो। अश्रुग्यासको सेल भीडमा रहेकी सेतुको मुखैमा लाग्यो। उनी भुक्लुक्कै भुइँमा पछारिन्। सबै आन्दोलनकारी सोहोरिएर वरिपरि घेरे। उनको जीउमा हलचल थिएन। सास अड्किरहेको थियो।
एकछिनमा पिर्लिक्क आँखा उघारिन्।
भनिन्, 'पानी ...!'
आशिष झसङ्ग ब्युँझे।
वैशाख मासको गर्मीले शरीर पसिनाले लुथ्रुप्पै भिजेको थियो। दायाँबायाँ हेरे, भाइहरू मस्त निद्रामै थिए। झ्यालबाहिर हेरे। घाम डुबिसकेछ।
उनी भाइहरूलाई निद्रामै छाडेर वरपर छिमेकका घर गए। आमाको सोधखोज गरे। सबै नाजवाफ।
घर फर्के। भाइहरू निद्रामै थिए। ओछ्यानमा ढल्के।
एकछिनमा बाहिर खास्राकखुस्रुक आवाज आयो। मान्छेहरूको गाइँगुइँ सुनियो। उनी 'आमा आइछिन् कि' भनेर बाहिर निस्के।
छिमेकीहरू रहेछन्। सबै एकटकले उनैलाई हेरिरहेका।
'म त आमा आए भन्ठानेको,' उनले भने।
एकजना नजिक आयो। उनको टाउको मुसार्यो।
भन्यो, 'अब तेरी आमा आउँदिन बा।'
'भोलि आउने?' उनले सोधे।
सेतुको निधनपछि छिमेकी र आफन्तको सहारामा तीन भाइले दुई दिन काटे। तेस्रो दिन शेरबहादुर गुजरातबाट फर्के। उनी २०६२ को चैते दसैं मान्न घर फर्कन खोजेका रहेछन्। सेतुले नै 'नआए हुन्छ' भनेपछि रोकिएछन्।
'चैते दसैंमा आउँ भन्दा नआऊ भनिन्। मुख पनि देख्न पाइनँ,' उनले भने, '(घटनाको) एक हप्ताअघि ६ हजार भारु पठाइदिएको थिएँ। आउँदा सबै पैसा बाकसमै रहेछ।'
छिमेकी मायाराम विकका अनुसार जनआन्दोलनमा सामेल भएको त्यो सेतुको पहिलो दिन थियो। अघिअघि आन्दोलनका कुरा गर्दा उत्साही भएर सुन्थिन्। तर, सडकमा ओर्लेकी थिइन।
त्यो दिन के भयो, निडर भएर सामेल भइन्। प्रहरीले अश्रुग्यास हान्दा अरू सबै भाग्न खोज्थे, उनी झन् अगाडि बढ्थिन्।
'आन्दोलनकारीहरू ज्ञानेन्द्रको सालिक ढाल्दै थिए, पुलिसले अश्रुग्यास हान्यो। एउटा सेल उनको मुखैमा लाग्यो,' मायारामले भने, 'उनी भुइँमा ढलिन्। अड्कीअड्की सास फेरिरहेकी थिइन्। पानी, पानी भनिन्। तर, पानी कहाँ पाउनु!'
सबैले उठाएर एम्बुलेन्समा अस्पताल दौडाए। बाटैमा उनको सास गयो।
यता न्युरोडमा आन्दोलनकारीले ज्ञानेन्द्रको सालिक ढालेरै छोडे।
त्यही ठाउँमा सेतु बिकको सालिक छ, कपडाले बेरेको। छ महिनाअघि अज्ञात समूहले तोडफोड गरेको थियो। चोकको नाम पनि फेरेर सहिद सेतु बिक चोक राखिएको छ।
कान्छो छोरा सुमन सरकारी पहलमा सुर्खेतको एसओएस बालग्राममा पढ्छ। सागर र आशिष घरभन्दा साढे दुई किलोमिटर टाढा खजुराको स्कुल जान्छन्। आशिष ३ कक्षा, सागर १। छ महिना अघिसम्म दुवै बोडर्स थिए। शुल्कमा विवाद भएपछि घर फर्किए।
जिल्ला शिक्षा कार्यालयले दुवैलाई वर्षको २४ हजार रुपैयाँ सहयोग गरिरहेको छ। सरकारले दिएको १० लाख रुपैयाँ पनि तीन छोराहरूको उमेर पुगेपछि निकाल्न मिल्नेगरी बैंकमा जम्मा छ। जिल्ला प्रशासनले हरेकमहिना दिने पाँच हजार रुपैयाँले घरखर्च चलाउन गाह्रो परेको उनी गुनासो गर्छन्। 'आफूलाई अहिल्यै फाटिमर्नु भएको छ, बैंकमा छ भनेर के गर्नू!' उनी भन्छन्।
आर्थिक समस्याले पिरोलेपछि शेरबहादुर पहिले सहयोगको बाचा गरेकाहरूका ढोका ढक्ढक्याउन पनि पुगे। तर, ती कुनै न कुनै बहानामा टक्टकिने गरेको उनको अनुभव छ।
'म छोराहरूलाई उच्च शिक्षासम्म सित्तै पढाइदिन्छु भन्ने एउटा स्कुलमा गएँ, तर ८०/९० हजार चाहिन्छ भन्यो,' उनी भन्छन्, 'त्यति तिर्ने हैसियत भए आफ्नै छोरछोरीका लागि हात फैलाउनुपर्थ्यो र!'
सेतुको निधनपछि शेरबहादुरले अर्काे बिहे गरेका छन्, बुद्धि विकसँग। कान्छी श्रीमतीबाट अर्को छोरा जन्मिसक्यो।
सेतुका तीनै छोरा बुझ्ने भइसके। कम्तिमा 'अब तेरी आमा आउँदिन' भन्दा 'भोलि आउलान्' भनेर अल्मलिँदैनन्।
'सहिद हुनुभो,' आशिष भन्छन्, 'मलाई थाहा छ।'
'के सम्भि्कन्छौ त बढी?'
'आमाले 'भाइहरूलाई हेर्दै गर्नू' भन्नुभएको थियो।'source: nagarik news
योग गुरु रामदेवले झुटो लेखे - बुद्द भगवान भारतमै जन्मिएका हुन
५ दिने योग शिविर सञ्चालन गर्न चैत १३ गते शुक्रवार काठमाडौं आएका बाबा रामदेवले गौतम बुद्ध नेपालमै जन्मिएकाले भारतले बुद्धको नक्कली जन्मस्थल निर्माण गर्नुको कुनै अर्थ नहुने बताएका थिए। उनले भारतको उक्त दावीप्रति भर्त्सना गर्दै महापुरुषहरुलाई विवादमा नतान्न आग्रह गरेर नेपालीको मन जित्ने प्रयास पनि गरेका थिए। तर बाबा रामदेवको ढोंग त्यतिबेला छताछुल्ल भयो जति बेला उनी आफैंले गौतम बुद्ध भारतमै जन्मिएको दावी गर्दै प्रकाशित गरेको उनको एक किताब सार्वजनिक भयो। एभिन्युज टेलिभिजनले रामदेवको सो किताबको खुलासा पालीको मन जित्नका लागि बुद्ध नेपालमै जन्मिएको दावी गरेका रामदेवको जीवन कहानी समेटिएको 'जीवन दर्शन' नामक किताबमा बुद्ध भारतमै जन्मिएको स्पष्ट लेखिएको छ। पतञ्जली योगपीठले प्रकाशन गरेको सो पुस्तकको पेज नम्बर ८ को ३ नम्बर बुँदामा रामदेवले बुद्ध जन्मिएको देशमा आफू जन्मिन पाउनुलाई गौरव मानेका छन्। रामदेव अगाडि भन्छन्–''मैं शौभाग्यशाली हुँ कि मैने उस पवित्र भूमि व देश में जन्म लिया है जहाँ योगश्वर श्रीकृष्ण, बुद्ध, महावीर,गुरु नानकदेव, गुरु गोविन्द सिंह जैसे देव पुरुषोँ,महाराणा प्रताप, छत्रपति शिवाजी, चन्द्रशेखर आजाद,सुवासचन्द्र बोस, रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल, भगत सिंह, राजगुरु व अशफाक जैसे वीरों तथा महर्षि दयानन्द वा स्व्ामी विवेकानन्द जैसे महापुरुष पैदा हुए। मै अपनी जीवन पुष्प से माँ भारतकी आराधन करुँगा।''
भारतले लुम्बिनीलाई आफ्नो दावी गर्नेदेखि गौतम बुद्धलाई भारतमा जन्मिएको भनेर कुप्रचार गर्ने अभियान लामो समयदेखिनै चलाइरहेको हो। भारत सरकारले विश्वविद्यालय र विद्यालयहरुमा पढाउने पुस्तकमा समेत बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मिएका भनेर लेखिएको छ। उता हालसालै कपिलबस्तुको सिमाना नजिकै भारतले नक्कली लुम्बिनी निर्माण गरिरहेको बेला रामदेवलाई नेपाली पत्रकारले यसबारेमा प्रश्न गर्दा उनले बुद्ध नेपालमै जन्मिएको बताए। नेपालीहरुको सहानुभूति बटुल्नका लागि एउटा कुरा गर्ने र दस्तावेजमा अर्कै कुरा गर्ने दोगला चरित्रका रामदेवलाई नेपाल र नेपालीले किन नचाहिदो सम्मान दिने भन्ने प्रश्न पनि बौद्धिक जमातले उठाउन थालेको छ। उनको नियतमाथिनै प्रश्न उठाउनु पर्ने भएको छ।
शिव-पार्वतीको मूर्ति चोरी
मध्यपुर, थिमी, (नेस), भक्तपुरको बागेश्वरी गाविसस्थित प्राचीन अर्धनाटेश्वर महादेव मन्दिरबाट पत्थरको शिव-पार्वतीको मूर्ति आइतबार राति चोरी भएको छ।
अर्धनाटेश्वरको रूपमा परापूर्वकालमा स्थानीय बासिन्दाले स्थापित गरेको भगवान् शंकर र देवी पार्वती जोडिएको मूल्यवान् मूर्ति चोरी भएको र मन्दिरमा रहेका अन्य मूर्ति पनि चोर्ने प्रयत्न भएको तर चोरी हुनबाट बचेको खरिपाटी प्रहरीले जानकारी दिएको छ।
ऐतिहासिक र पुरातात्विक हिसाबले अति महत्त्वपूर्ण मानिने भक्तपुरमा रहेको प्राचीन कला र मूर्तिहरू पछिल्ला दिनमा चोरी हुने क्रम तीव्र रूपमा बढेर गएको पाइएको छ।
गत चैत ११ गते घरमा कोही नभएको अवस्थामा पीडकले बलात्कार गरेको उजुरी इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय इटहरीमा दर्ता गराए अनुसार गिरफतार गरिएको प्रहरीले जनाए ।
घटनालाई गाउँमै मिलाउने प्रयास असफल भएपछि पीडित पक्षले प्रहरीमा उजुरी गरेको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय इटहरीका इन्स्पेक्टर श्यामल सुब्बाले जानकारी दिए ।
इन्स्पेक्टर सुब्बाका अनुसार पीडित बालिकाको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण धरानस्थित बीपी कोइराला स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान प्रतिष्ठानमा गराइएको थियो ।
source :tito mitho piro