Hi Everyone
Welcome to Children Star Group,
Home of the Bhutanese refugee children. My name is Lila ram Siwakoti and I am the coordinator of Children Star Group. I am from the Bhutanese refugee camp Beldangi 2 and recently resettled in the United States of America. I am studying in the 11th grade. As a group coordinator I would like to share you some of the facts about children star group.
Children Star Group is a children based common group established by Bhutanese refugee children in eastern Nepal. Children Star Group was created as a place for Bhutanese refugees to come together and help the children up to age 18 in our communities. We are made of up of youth 15-19 years old refugees primarily already resettled in different places around the world. The group focuses on the promotion of children who are made targets of civil wars, social unrest and domestic violence.
In June 2008, Children Star Group members and executive members passed a group code of conduct. Codes are divided in to four main sections. Each section described group member responsibilities and group procedure. These codes help group members to stay up to date with group, future activities and diplomacy.
In addition, Children Star Group has also raised children’s voices through social network sites such as “face book”. Furthermore, there is Face book page designed to spread children’s news. Throughout the Face book page children star Group have weekly updates which consist of a quotation, short stories and tech news.
At last, I would like to welcome people of all ages to join our cause against children corruption. United we can. Let’s uphold our mission together, and help spread the voice of voiceless.
Thank you
Lila ram Siwakoti
Sanju Siwakoti you are doing excellent jobs.. keep up the good work!
I love yu sanju....nice job!!!!
I still know the program you conduct in our Refugee camp.. yu are nice anchored and ur voice was so loud
My name is Yadhu...
Nice Report Sanju.
sanju you work hard for children star group.let your enthusiasm continue..
Sanju you are good in reading and good in coodinating with others people..I hope you will bring change somedays Thank you. Tara from California
keep up the good work bro
love it.
Good work my friend!
Well, happy to find this website where i see one of my friend coordinate youth interest, which wake up (encourage) other healthy youth to help and support their poor, week youth brothers, sisters, and friends around their surrounding so hope my friend lila ram siwakoti wants would spread positive news toward other and success on his goal.
Well, happy to find this website where i saw one of my friend coordinate youth interest, which wake up (encourage) other healthy youth to help and support their poor, weak youth brothers, sisters, and friends around their surrounding so hope my friend lila ram siwakoti wants would spread positive news toward other and success on his goal.......
Nice Article!
Well written article Sanju! Keep on teaching children about Child Abuse and keep on fighting against child abuse!
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